Which leather goods factory is best? Zhihao, a leather goods manufacturer that processes mid-range foreign trade leather goods and specializes in women's handbags, is worth recommending to you. The leather goods manufacturer with years of experience in foreign trade exports can provide OEM services and can customize samples. The greater advantage of Zhihao Leather Goods Factory is to come to the leather goods factory to select samples and customize them. The factory has an exhibition hall of nearly 1,000 square meters, and samples are provided. Choose, have a professional design team, cooperate with Zhihao Leather Factory, you can integrate your understanding of women's handbags into the product, you are not only a product buyer, but also a participant, Zhihao Leather Factory truly customizes on demand factory.
Zhihao Leather Goods Factory has a standard factory building of nearly square meters, 2 employees, assembly line operations, and more than 10 equipment imported from Japan. With the Japanese management model, we will make every leather handbag to your satisfaction, user Rest assured
We provide free proofing service, with a proofing cycle of 10 days and quick delivery of samples.
, The shipping speed is faster, one bag is produced per day, and the production cycle for large quantities is about days.
, Complete service, a combination of online network and offline stores, without going through middlemen, direct information, making you more worry-free and assured
, In recent years, the export customization experience of foreign trade women's handbags, Able to accurately control different market demands, product characteristics, etc. Let you avoid detours.
Leather goods factory, processing mid-range foreign trade leather ladies handbags, OEM available
Zhihao Leather Goods
Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods Factory No. Datong Road, Ersanli Industrial Zone, Yiwu City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Vice President Unit of Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods Yiwu Luggage Association
Telephone (Manager Ding)