Looking for a leather handbag processing factory, Yiwu Zhihao Leather, a leather goods OEM manufacturer, specializes in customized leather handbag processing. Zhihao Leather has a group of experienced designers, technicians and multiple advanced equipment imported from Japan. It mainly provides services for fashionable women's bags. Customization, casual handbag processing, popular leather women's bag production and packaging materials, the entire production process allows you to worry less and rest assured
Among the leather handbag processing and OEM processing factories, Zhihao Leather has been in the industry for almost 10 years, and now any The vice-president unit of Yiwu Luggage Association,
We have professional and unique technical and resource advantages, and have our own development department. You can come to the factory to select and customize samples. We have nearly a thousand square meters of exhibition hall to choose from. Free proofing, quick proofing. And many years of experience in the production and sales of mid-range/women's bags Zhihao Leather
Leather handbag processing factory, OEM to annual leather goods manufacturer Yiwu Zhihao Leather Cooperation Process
Customers make requests, suggest design proofing or The customer sends the sample to
Zhihao Leather Goods
for proofing based on the sample.
Both parties negotiate and discuss the sample proposal, look at the sample and confirm the
drunk end
implementation plan.
Design, produce and proof according to customer requirements. Customer confirms the sample and signs for confirmation.
Zhihao Leather Goods
Mass production is strictly based on the delivery date and confirmed samples.
Carry out strict quality control
Control the products before leaving the factory after passing the inspection.
Responsible for after-sales tracking
Tracking service to keep in close contact with customers at all times.
Leather handbag processing factory, OEM leather goods manufacturer Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods
Zhihao Leather Goods
Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods Factory Datong No., Ersanli Industrial Zone, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods Vice President Unit of Yiwu Luggage Association
Telephone (Manager Ding)
Friendly Links Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods
Zhihao Leather Goods
Zhihao Leather Goods