Yiwu Leather Factory, a manufacturer specializing in processing/manufacturing leather bags for women, Yiwu Zhihao Leather Factory
has strong technical strength, a group of experienced designers, pattern makers and multiple machines imported from Japan. A manufacturer that develops, produces and sells mid-range leather goods for women, with years of experience in foreign trade exports. Provide on-demand customization and OEM processing services.
The leather women's bags produced by Yiwu Leather Factory Zhihao are mainly simple and elegant, and are famous for their exquisite craftsmanship and high quality. The developed leather women's bags are humane and personalized, and at the same time are in line with popular big brand bags. Consistent, both physically and spiritually the same but different, truly meeting your individual needs.
Yiwu Leather Zhihao has always insisted on not taking orders for the sake of taking orders, insisting on maintaining an equal and mutually beneficial relationship with customers, saying no to cutting corners and cutting materials, saying no to shoddy products, saying no to deceiving customers, and saying no to cheating customers. Say no to inflated prices, ask for a quote after only sending a picture, don’t come to the leather goods factory for on-site inspection, and judge our leather goods factory based on estimates only
Yiwu Leather Zhihaonian Leather Goods Manufacturer only makes mid-range products Women's bags, between US dollars/women's bags, don't do anything else because they focus on it, so they are professional
Yiwu Leather Goods Factory
A strong leather goods manufacturer
Produces 1 bag per day, with a monthly output of 10,000. New models are released every day, new models are released every month
A leather goods factory that sincerely serves you
Free proofing, fast proofing
What we do is not only products, but also services.
Think about what customers need and serve customers sincerely.
Yiwu Leather Goods Factory, focusing on Yiwu export/leather women's bag processing manufacturer Zhihao Leather Goods
Leather Goods Manufacturer
Consultation Hotline
(Manager Ding)
Zhi Hao Leather Goods Factory
Datong No., Ersanli Industrial Zone, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods, Vice President Unit of Yiwu Luggage Association
Friendly Links Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods
Zhihao Leather Goods