Yiwu Zhihao Leather Factory is a professional manufacturer of fashionable women's bags and popular handbags. It can provide or OEM processing services. Zhihao Leather has its own brand styles and styles, focusing on exporting mid-range women's leather handbags for customized processing. The leather goods factory has strong R&D and service capabilities, with an exhibition hall of nearly 1,000 square meters, employees, assembly line operations, and a daily production capacity of up to 10,000. We only focus on the customization and processing of women's leather bags and do nothing else. Because we are focused, we are professional. The journey is far, keep moving forward. Yiwu Leather Goods Factory Zhihao is committed to becoming a strategic partner with you for win-win, symbiotic and common progress. It is also determined to become the most influential enterprise in the leather goods processing industry, leaping forward with you and achieving common success
leather bags and handbags processing manufacturers
, go to the professional
leather processing factory Zhihao Leather
Zhihao Leather Factory’s strength and available services
, years Leather goods manufacturer, focusing on custom processing of women's bags and handbags, dedicated and professional.
, years of experience in exporting women's bags in foreign trade, familiar with different markets and people's different preferences and styles for leather handbags in different regions. We have an independent research and development team to develop different products for different markets.
Yiwu Leather Goods Factory
The strong production capacity guarantees the delivery time, allowing you to get the goods with guaranteed quality and quantity within the contract. employees, assembly line production, and 1 leather handbag per day.
Strong development capabilities. New models are released every day, and new models are released every month. They have been imitated and never surpassed
Cooperate with integrity, establish the market with trust, and serve as the purpose. We will take away your worries and achieve success for you and us
br/>Yiwu leather women's handbag manufacturer Zhihao leather goods, leather goods processing factory is your choice
Yiwu leather goods factory
Consultation hotline
(Manager Ding)
Zhihao Leather Factory
Datong No., Ersanli Industrial Zone, Yiwu City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods, Vice President Unit of Yiwu Luggage Association
Friendly Links Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods
Yiwu Leather Goods Factory